

Did you know that most major medical aids of South Africa and even Lesotho covers Dietetic services?

Registered Dieticians are trained in depth not only regarding Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT), but also disease prevention, wellness and weight loss, and are kept to a strict code of dispensing scientifically sound and proven advise.

No person is alike, and “one size does NOT fit all”! Dieticians are trained to look at the person as a whole, guiding the individual to their optimal personal health and wellness. We take into account the patient/client's specific needs, goals, budget, likes and dislikes, social patters and pathology. Clients and patient that are helped by Registered Dieticians range across the spectrum from basic guidance on healthy lifestyle, plant based eating or weight loss, as well as medically relevant conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (FODMAP sensitivities), Diabetes and PCOS to name a few. Sports people, from fitness fanatics, weekend warriors to Professional athletes all can benefit greatly from targeted nutrition.

Wessels Claassen Dieticians have an out-patient office at Universitas Private Hospital (Netcare). The price for consultations are guided by the HPCSA and vary quite vastly between the different medical aids, but generally calculates to an average of R850 per hour (2024 rates). A first and second consult typically takes an hour face-to-face (or online), and the time spent on calculating the personalized meal plan in the client’s absence are added to the first consult as per ADSA guidelines. Further follow up consultations are typically shorter and depends on the patient’s individual needs.

Studies have shown that people are VERY successful in meeting their goals when working with a Registered Dietician: This success, however, hinged not only on the person following the plan as calculated by the Dietician, but very much on the client consistantly following up on on face-to-face basis with their Dietician.